lunes, 13 de mayo de 2024

Enhancing Listening Skills in English Learning in a Virtual Environment



In English language learning, listening skills are essential for effective comprehension and communication. In this blog, we will explore effective strategies to improve your listening skills, especially in a virtual learning environment.

Strategies to Improve Listening Skills:

Active Listening: Maintain an active focus during virtual classes, eliminating distractions and concentrating on what is being said.

Note-taking: Jot down key words and important examples to help you follow the conversation.

Practice Selective Listening: Identify main ideas and key words to understand the overall message.

Use Supportive Resources: Take advantage of tools available on your virtual learning platform, such as subtitles or transcripts.

Participate Actively: Engage with the teacher and your classmates during listening activities to ensure proper understanding.

The Importance of Listening Skills

Job Interview: During a job interview, it is crucial to listen carefully to the interviewer's questions to fully understand what is being asked. Additionally, by actively listening to the interviewer's responses, you can formulate relevant questions and demonstrate genuine interest in the position.

Professional Meetings: In professional meetings, such as brainstorming sessions or team discussions, active listening is essential for understanding the ideas and opinions of other participants. By paying attention to the contributions of your colleagues, you can collaborate more effectively and contribute significantly to the decision-making process.

Everyday Conversations: In everyday conversations with friends, family, or colleagues, active listening is key to maintaining strong relationships and communicating effectively. By listening with empathy and understanding, you can strengthen interpersonal bonds and avoid misunderstandings or conflicts.

Virtual Classrooms: In a virtual learning environment, such as an online English class, active listening is essential for understanding the teacher's instructions, participating in discussions and activities, and making the most of the learning experience. By developing effective listening skills, students can improve their listening comprehension and their ability to communicate in English more fluently and naturally.

Listening Skills Enhancement Project

General objective

Develop an intensive listening comprehension practice program in my virtual English classes, using authentic audiovisual resources and interactive activities such as Educaplay, Canva and Kahoot, aiming to enhance students' ability to comprehend and process spoken English, achieving a 5% increase in participants' accuracy and fluency in listening comprehension by the end of this academic period.


Reflection Questions: Enhancing Your Listening Skills in English

1. Which of the listening strategies mentioned in this blog do you find most useful for improving your listening skills in English? 2. What obstacles do you think you might encounter when trying to apply these strategies in your daily English learning, and how do you plan to overcome them? 3. How do you think a greater awareness of your listening skills could benefit your progress in learning English? 4. What specific steps can you take to integrate active listening into your daily English study routine? 5. What other strategies or resources could you explore to continue improving your listening skills in English?

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2022

Phase 5 – Final Activity

Link to your official drive folder

The synthesis of the “Diarios de campo”

The classes I attended proved to be planned and fulfilled their development on time and topics, they ensured understanding when the subject was exposed with questions or activities on it for each of the students and feedback where necessary, the class environment was one of trustworthy and respectful, cordial and motivating. The applied support materials were relevant to the development of the topics; In the classes, listening, writing and reading skills are applied.
The teacher ensures understanding and only advances to the extent that there is correct learning.

The description of the observed population

Undergraduate students, female and male, average age 20 to 25 years, no students with learning difficulties are observed.

“Plan de Trabajo” schedule.
Photographic evidence

Highlights of my observation practice

The highlights of my observation practice were meeting teachers from all over the world. Attend advanced level classes where I was able to put my knowledge into practice and receive input from teachers.Overcome fears and share my strengths and weaknesses in groups, all to improve.

Three conclusions about your experience in the practice of observation.

In the acquisition of the English language, collaborative learning contributes enormously to the results.

Observing practice virtually allows us to be in scenarios where listening, speaking, writing and reading skills are strengthened.

Having support from teachers who speak English generates strengths when acquiring skills in the new language.

Two methods from units 1, 2 and 3 that I liked the most and why.

Grammar and method of translation.
Because the study of grammar rules allows the construction of texts applying rules established for the English language.

Community Language Learning (CLL)

In this community that is our class, we all build learning and motivate each other, here the teacher is the one who shares the knowledge and the students assume the role of learners. Teachers are familiar with the use and knowledge of L1 and L2.

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2022

Unad Colombian Education

Task 2 – Recording

Link Video Ana María Urquijo Nuñez

Link Video Angie Michelle Jimenez

Link Video Ceila Mayerly Riaño

Link de Video Andrea del Pilar Romero


Next, with the development of the activity and with the purpose of revising and knowing a little about the bicultural and/or bilingual subject, the differences between the 2 previous terms are reviewed, examples of each term are given, as well as with the use of Related images are intended to facilitate the understanding and knowledge of biculturalism-bilingualism.

-Overall objective

Recognize the definitions, implications, and differences of being bicultural and/or bilingual.

-Differences of being bilingual and bicultural



Bilingualism is the use of two or more languages ​​(or dialects) in everyday life. It is when a person uses two languages ​​in the same community or territory.


Bicultural is the union of 2 cultures of their traditions and their habits.

Bilingualism may or may not lead to biculturalism and cultural identification.



Linguistic component.


Cultural Component


Bilingualism is not the same as biculturalism.


1. Participate, to varying degrees, in the life of two or more cultures.

2. They adapt, at least in part, their attitudes, behaviors, values, languages, etc. these cultures.

3. They combine and blend aspects of the cultures involved. Some of these come from one culture or another, while others are mixtures of cultures.


Therefore, some aspects of the bicultural are adaptive and controllable (this allows the bicultural to adapt to context and situation) but other aspects are more static; they are mixtures of cultures and cannot adapt so easily.




Bilinguals normally acquire and use their languages ​​for different purposes, in different domains of life, with different people.



According to Grosjean (2015), "there are few definitions of what a bicultural individual is, however, in all of them there is the same dichotomy between fluency (competence or cultural knowledge) and use (interaction between two or more cultures)33 ” (p. 575).


Bilinguals often acquire and use their languages ​​for different purposes, in different domains of life, with different people. Different aspects of life often require different languages.

Grosjean proposes these characteristics: These are individuals who take part in different degrees in the life of two or more cultures, adapt at least in part their attitudes, behaviors, values, languages, etc. to those cultures in addition to combining and mixing aspects of the two cultures involved.


-Examples of being bilingual, bicultural and being bilingual and bicultural

Example: A example of bilingualism is that of a child born in the United States whose parents are Spanish speakers. From birth, they will acquire skills in both Spanish and English.

Example: People can be not only bicultural and bilingual, but also bicultural and monolingual, such as speakers who move to a different country where the same language is used, or members of a minority culture who no longer know the minority language but that retain other aspects of the language.

Example: In Switzerland Germans who speak Swiss German and Standard German but who are culturally Swiss.


Example: biculturals who are not bilingual, such as British expatriates in the United States.


Example: bicultural and bilingual as in the case of immigrants, many of whom have acquired their second language in their adopted country and have become acculturated in their new culture.

Example: Children born in regions of Spain such as the Basque Country will learn two languages, Spanish and Basque, from birth, since both coexist in the region.


Bilinguals and biculturals are individuals who use two or more languages ​​in their daily lives and who also interact in two or more cultures.

Bicultural Bilinguals are individuals who speak two or more languages ​​and are immersed in two or more cultures.

Bicultural Bilinguals are those Bilinguals who not only dominate two (or more) languages, but also feel identified with their cultures. That is, they have been in prolonged contact with the two (or more) cultures and have lived, at least in part, in them.





file:///C:/Users/USER-PC/Downloads/Dialnet- LaImportanciaDelAprendizajeYConocimientoDelIdiomaI-6234740.pdf

Grosjean, F. (2013). Bilingualism: A short introduction. In Grosjean, F. & Li, P. (2013), pp. 5-25.




domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018


3.800.000 HABITANTES


Uno de cada tres chilenos enfrenta algún tipo de trastorno mental y este tipo de trastornos son la principal causa de incapacidades médicas.


Con un crecimiento imparable de las tasas de suicidio, Chile es el país con mayor incidencia de enfermedades mentales de la región y entre los primeros del mundo, tanto que este tipo de patologías se ha convertido en la primera causa del ausentismo laboral, alertan los expertos.


Para mejorar la salud Mental se requiere del autocuidado; poner de nuestra parte para encontrar soluciones a los problemas que enfrentamos en nuestras familias y sociedad para evitar caer en estas patologías.

Debemos alimentarnos correctamente.

Dormir bien.

Hacer ejercicio.

Mantener mi mente ocupada en temas de mi interés y buen manejo de mi tiempo libre.

Rodearme de personas positivas y con proyectos exitosos de vida.

En casos necesarios acudir a los especialistas y seguir las recomendaciones médicas.

Inversión del Gobierno en espacios de Entretenimiento como Parques Temáticos.

lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017



Clasificación de los números
Cantidades numéricas
Operaciones con números reales
Identificación de situaciones problema

1. Los primeros sistemas de numeración
Los primeros sistemas de numeración surgieron en el antiguo Egipto y el imperio de los sumerios. Los egipcios tomaron al número 10 (base en la numeración), basado en los dedos de la mano, cada una tenía cinco dedos y entre las dos hacían 10. Por su parte los sumerios se idearon un sistema sexagesimal en base al número 60. En el cual el número 60 era   la primera gran unidad sesenta veces sesenta sumaba 3,600 del cual no se creían que pudieran existir más números.

2. Más antiguos que la escritura

La invención de los números es más antigua que la escritura. Pero el sistema de numeración actual ha necesitado 3.500 años de historia. Y es que ya lo decía Pitágoras: “El número es la esencia de todas las cosas”.

 3. El “número 0” no fue el primer número en crearse

Aunque el cero (0) es el primer número en base para empezar el conteo, no fue el primer número en crearse, el numero 0 fue empezado a usarse en la antigua Babilonia durante el siglo III A.C.
4. El “número 7” y su simbolismo
El simbolismo que se otorga al número 7 es de los más conocidos, el 7 representa a la perfección.  Jesús enseño se debe perdonar al hermano hasta 70 veces, siete días son los que tiene la semana, en 7 días Dios creo la tierra, Dios envió 7 plagas a Egipto ante que el Faraón Ramsés aceptada liberar al pueblo de Israel, siete son los mares del planeta, las culturas hindús predican los siete chacras del cuerpo, siete son los pecados capitales, siete las notas musicales entre otros.

5. El “número 12” dentro de la mitología
El número 12 en las diversas mitologías tiene una gran relevancia en la Mesa Redonda del Rey Arturo, si bien estaba conformada por 150 asientos, 12 fueron llamados “los 12 Grandes” en la mitología  Griega y la biblia, el número 12 en la mitología griega “El Panteón de los Dioses Olímpicos” estaba integrado por 12 dioses , al Semi/Dios  Hércules se le asignaron 12 tareas para que probara su valentía, en tanto que en la Biblia 12 tribus conformaban al pueblo de Israel descendientes de los 12 hijos de Jacob, 12 fueron los discípulos de Cristo.

6. “13” un número de mala suerte
Para España y Latinoamérica los días martes 13 son de mala suerte, en tanto para Francia y los países angloparlantes son los viernes 13. En Italia, la lotería no da el número 13. Las líneas aéreas internacionales, no tienen asientos con el número 13, en Estados Unidos los rascacielos no tienen piso 13 y en los departamentos se salta el 13 al 14. 
7. Richard Wagner y el “número 13”Entre una de las curiosidades de los números ¿sabías que? el compositor Alemán RichardWagner está ligado fuertemente al número 13, nació un año finalizado en 13, si se suma las letras de su nombre y apellido da como resultado 13, los números de su año de nacimiento (1813) suman también 13, compuso 13 óperas y murió un día 13.

8. El “número 666” y su posible significado
El 666 como el número del Diablo se dice que originalmente era el número 616 en las primeas traducciones que se hicieron del apocalipsis del griego al hebreo, el número se cambió al número 666 y se le adjudica como una marca de nacimiento del al anticristo o de sus seguidores, pero en realidad el numero 666 pertenece al nombre de una persona en la biblia donde podemos leer: ¡Aquí está la sabiduría! Que el inteligente calcule la cifra de la Bestia; pues es la cifra de un hombre. Su cifra es 666” (Ap. 13, 18). Si en números romanos escribimos “VICARIUS FILII DEI” (Vicario del hijo de Dios), uno de los títulos con el cual se conoce al Papa después de aplicar una serie de operaciones matemáticas el resultado es 666. ¿Interesante verdad?

9. El número de la mala suerte y su origen
El origen de adjudicarle al 13 como un numero de mala suerte, tiene sus orígenes bíblicos en las 13 personas que estaban presentes en ultima cena siendo Jesús el número 13, él fue crucificado, en el calendario del antiguo babilonio existía un año intercalado compuesto de 13 meses, en el cual el mes 13 era representado por un cuervo de mal augurio además son 13 los espíritus del mal.

10. El misterioso club de los “28”
El club de los 28 se denominan a las Estrellas de la música que fallecieron a la edad de los 28años el primero de la lista fue el legendario Guitarrista de los “Blues” Robert Johnson, Brian Jones fundador y guitarrista de los “The Rolling Stones”, Jim Morrison vocalista de la banda “The Doors”, el guitarrista Jimi Hendrix, la cantante Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain guitarrista y vocalista de la banda “Nirvana” y la cantante Amy Winehouse.

Clasificación de los números

Segundo Periodo

En matemáticaslógicaciencias de la computación y disciplinas relacionadas, un algoritmo (del griego y latín, dixit algorithmus y este a su vez del matemático persa Al-Juarismi)​ es un conjunto prescrito de instrucciones o reglas bien definidas, ordenadas y finitas que permite llevar a cabo una actividad mediante pasos sucesivos que no generen dudas a quien deba hacer dicha actividad.





Procedimiento para resolver un sistema de tres ecuaciones con tres incógnitas por el método de reducción (suma o resta):



a= 1; b= -3 y c= 4